Copy, copy, copy…


I copied a picture of a landscape painting by California artist D. W. Pinkham in class today. The values and intensity of the colors on the left side are too intense, but, again, I did this in just over two hours.  I would like to go back and touch up after the oil dries a bit.  You just can’t keep reworking until you allow sufficient drying time.

I had my instructor painting beside me (no one else showed up to class) and we were both quite happy with my work today.  It is sad to admit the time I need to practice drawing has not been made, but I tried really hard to get the initial sketch down accurately, and I think it really helped.  The teacher said I was “seeing well.”  You can waste a lot of time if you have a sloppy and/or inaccurate sketch before beginning to lay paint.

The original painting by Pinkham is much larger than my 9″ x 12″ and sold for $45,000.  That would buy a lot of paint…

My homework assignment is to copy a snowy landscape by the same artist.  I can’t wait!!!

This is what I came up with.  The lighting is better, so it’s hard to compare.
