Ava was adopted by a kind man from a Bay Area shelter at 7 months old. She had been turned in after having been found crippled and sick from being kept in very tight confinement from young puppyhood. She had never had room to stand up or stretch out, so her front limbs were very deformed, the bones growing in the only direction they could. She was very vicious and was not being offered for adoption but was soon to be mercifully put down. But, love found her.
After the incredible effort of experts in many areas of veterinarian medicine and the constant companionship of Huck, a gorgeous Rhodesian Ridgeback who instinctively knew this feisty biter needed protection, her devoted owner helped Ava recover and walk. I never saw a dog more adored. After broken and reset limbs, water therapy, splints, metal plates, more surgeries, and constant patience, Ava was able to romp in the grass and play in the snow. She had lifelong medical issues, but was one of the sweetest, most communicative dogs I’ve ever met.
Ava lived twelve years and died in the arms of her sobbing owner. A child was not loved more. She is sorely missed.
I’ve posted the progress of this drawing and it’s completion. The photo I had as a reference was of poor quality, and I wanted to give up many times. I also used artists markers again for the second time, and they are still new to me. I’m happy with how it turned out, though people always point out that I drew her legs “crooked.” 🙂
Ava and Huck’s owner was so happy with my work, I have now found a patron. As soon as I finish a drawing, I will receive another commission until my work lines the hall of their house.
I sort of feel like Ava.